Our Team

Committed, effective and by your side.

Dr. Karl Sidhu, LL.M.

Attorney at law | Partner

Karl Sidhu has been working as an attorney at law for over 20 years and is a partner in the law firm SvS. He advises and defends people and companies in all areas of business and tax criminal law. Mr. Sidhu also supports companies in the area of preventive criminal law advice.


T. +49 (0)89 244 133 4-60


Karl Sidhu has been working as an attorney at law for over 20 years and is a partner in the law firm SvS. He advises and defends people and companies in all areas of business and tax criminal law. Mr. Sidhu also supports companies in the area of preventive criminal law advice.

Karl Sidhu regularly defends clients in cross-border proceedings. He is a co-founder of the Concilium Global Compliance, Investigations & Enforcement Defense Network, an international alliance of leading white collar criminal and compliance lawyers.

Mr. Sidhu works as a lawyer of trust for many well-known companies and organizations, for example Malteser, Stadtwerke München (public energy and service provider of Munich), BSH Hausgeräte GmbH or Zeppelin GmbH.

Mr. Sidhu is a board member of the Board of Directors of Deutsche Strafverteidiger e.V. (German Criminal Defense Lawyers’ Association) and a board member of the German Ombudsman Association – Vereinigung deutscher Vertrauensanwälte e.V. (Association of German Lawyers of Trust)

He is the author of numerous publications on white-collar criminal law and criminal procedure law.

His recognized expertise in business and criminal tax law as well as in criminal compliance advice is confirmed annually by awards in several renowned lawyer rankings.


100 Jahre INTERPOL: Zum Stand eines globalen Players in internationalen Strafverfahren, ZfIStw 2023 (zusammen mit Matthias Grübl)

§ 10. Strafrechtliche Haftung, in: Melot de Beauregard/Lieder/Lirsch, Managerhaftung, 2022 (zusammen mit Alexander von Saucken)

Grenzüberschreitende Verteidigung von Unternehmensmitarbeitern, NZWiSt 2018 (zusammen mit Alexander von Saucken)

Der nordrhein-westfälische Entwurf eines Verbandsstrafgesetzbuchs und seine Kritik: Rechtstatsächliche Anmerkungen zum NRW-Entwurf, in: Jahn / Schmitt-Leonardy / Schoop, Das Unternehmensstrafrecht und seine Alternativen, 2016 (zusammen mit Christian Schoop)

Im Labyrinth des Korruptionsstrafrechts: die ICC Guidelines on Gifts and Hospitality, CCZ 2015 (zusammen mit Ken Eckstein)

Länderbericht Indien, in: Handbuch Compliance International – Recht und Praxis der Korruptionsprävention (Hrsg: Passarge/Behringer), 2015

Kriminalistisches Gespür und Notfallplan, Compliance BUJ Sonderheft 2013

Das Recht auf Rechtsbeistand nach dem europäischen Fahrplan zur Stärkung der Verfahrensrechte in Strafverfahren, StV 2012

Auswirkungen der Entscheidung des Bundesgerichtshofes auf Leistungserbringer, MPJ 2012

Der Unternehmensanwalt im Strafrecht und die Lösung von Interessenkonflikten, NJW 2011

Arbeitsgericht hält Screening von Mitarbeiterdaten für rechtmäßig, ZRFC 2010

Der Schutz vor Anfechtungstrojanern – quo vadis? in: Festschrift für Sebastian Spiegelberger, 2009

Anti-Corruption Compliance Standards in the Aftermath of the Siemens Scandal German Law Journal 10 (2009)

Die Regelung zur Compliance im Corporate Governance Kodex, ZCG 2008

Steuerstrafrechtlich orientierte Maßnahmen der Krisenprävention, KSI 2008

The Relevance of Intercompany Agreements in Germany BNA International, Volume 7/2006

Steuerhinterziehung bei grenzüberschreitenden Gewinnverlagerungen, BB 2005

Die Regelung von grenzüberschreitenden Investitionen, Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien, 2/2004

Die Regelung von Direktinvestitionen, Dissertation, 2004

Dr. Alexander von Saucken

Attorney at law | Partner

Dr. Alexander von Saucken is the founder and partner of the law firm SvS Rechtsanwälte. His practice focuses on individual defense in tax and business criminal law as well as criminal corporate representation.

Contact details
T. +49 (0)89 244 133 4-60


Dr. Alexander von Saucken is the founder and partner of the law firm SvS Rechtsanwälte. His practice focuses on individual defense in tax and business criminal law as well as criminal corporate representation. He also advises companies comprehensively in the area of criminal compliance. Finally, Dr. von Saucken assists aggrieved individuals or companies with the preparation of criminal charges and the enforcement of their procedural rights, including representation in the context of accessory prosecution.


§ 10. Strafrechtliche Haftung in: Melot de Beauregard/Lieder/Lirsch, Managerhaftung, 1. Aufl. 2022, S. 807 ff. (zusammen mit Karl Sidhu)

Grenzüberschreitende Verteidigung von Unternehmensmitarbeitern, NZWiSt 2018, S. 126 ff. (zusammen mit Karl Sidhu)

Kommentierung zu §§ 94 – 110c StPO in: Esser/Rübenstahl/Saliger/Tsambikakis, Kommentar zum Wirtschaftsstrafrecht, 1. Aufl. 2017

Strafgesetzgebung als Fehlerquelle (mit Prof. Dr. Saliger und Pia-Franziska Graf), ZRP 2016, S. 54 ff.

Kartellbußgelder bei wirtschaftlicher Nahezu-Identität („Melitta“) (Anmerkung zu BVerfG v. 20.8.2015), ZWH 2015, 386

Bußgelder gegen den Rechtsnachfolger nach Verschmelzungen, ZWH 2015, 217
Wirtschaftsstrafrecht, Vorschriftensammlung (mit Prof. Dr. Saliger), 2013

„Uli Hoeneß Selbstanzeige: Auch wer sich selbst anzeigt, bleibt erst einmal unschuldig“ Legal Tribune Online vom 05.06.2013

„Compliance Due Diligence : Böse Überraschungen vermeiden“, 2013

BUJ Sonderedition Mergers & Acquisitions Verteidigungsansätze bei der Unternehmensgeldbuße, wistra 2013, S. 297 f .

Rezension zu Wilhelm Schmidt: Gewinnabschöpfung im Straf- und Bußgeldverfahren, 2013, Transparency International Deutschland e.V. online

Der Unternehmensanwalt im Strafrecht und die Lösung von Interessenkonflikten, 2011, in: NJW 2011, 881 ff.

Lena Ertle

Attorney at law

Lena Ertle joined the team as an attorney at law in 2024 and brings with her a broad range of experience and expertise in the field of criminal law. She is also working on her dissertation on a criminal procedure topic.

Contact details
T. +49 (0)89 244 133 4-60


Lena Ertle joined the team as an attorney at law in 2024 and brings with her a broad range of experience and expertise in the field of criminal law. She is also working on her doctorate on a criminal procedure topic with Prof. Dr. Carsten Momsen at the Freie Universität Berlin.

She studied law at the University of Constance, where she already focused on (business) criminal law. She then completed her legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Munich and gained further valuable experience during her elective stage in Vienna.
After working in the editorial department of the journal Deutsches Steuerrecht (DStR), she worked as a research assistant in an EU-wide project on the digitalization of criminal proceedings, which is based at the chair of Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos at the Georg-August Universität Göttingen.

When she was admitted to the bar in 2024, Lena Ertle joined SvS Rechtsanwälte, where she contributes her extensive knowledge and practical experience in criminal law and provides clients with expert advice.

Matthias Grübl

Research assistant

Matthias Grübl has been supporting the team at SvS Rechtsanwälte since May 2021 – initially as student assistant and, after passing his state examination, as a research assistant. He is currently writing his dissertation as a scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation.

Contact details
T. +49 (0)89 244 133 4-60


Matthias Grübl has been supporting the SvS Rechtsanwälte team since May 2021 – initially as a research assistant and then as a research assistant after passing the state examination. He studied law at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich from October 2017 and passed his first state examination in July 2023. The focus of his studies was on “Criminal Justice, Criminal Defense and Prevention”. As a scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ann-Katrin Kaufhold (Chair of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), he is now preparing a dissertation on constitutional law.


„Die strafprozessuale Wiederaufnahme in malam partem und das Verfassungsrecht“, ZJS 2022, 1

„Zur Vereinbarkeit von ‚DW und Co. Enteignen‘ mit Art. 15 GG“, LKV 2023, 201

„100 Jahre INTERPOL: Zum Stand eines globalen Players in internationalen Strafverfahren, ZfIStw 2023, 396 (gemeinsam mit RA Dr. Karl Sidhu)

„Art. 15 GG oder: Das Grundrecht auf Selbstbestimmung der Arbeit“, DÖV 2024, 62

Sarah Sharma, LL.M.

Student assistant

Sarah Sharma has been working as a student assistant at SvS Rechtsanwälte since January 2024. She successfully completed her Bachelor’s degree in “English Law and German Law” at King’s College London and subsequently obtained her Master of Laws in “European Law and Comparative Law” at the Humboldt University of Berlin.

Contact details
T. +49 (0)89 244 133 4-60


From 2017 to 2021, she successfully completed her Bachelor’s degree in “English Law and German Law” at King’s College London and subsequently obtained her Master of Laws in “European Law and Comparative Law” at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Since October 2022, Sarah Sharma has been studying law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and is currently pursuing her specialization.

Elizabet Sulter

Office Coordinator

As a highly competent assistant, Elizabet Sulter is the driving force behind the processes at SvS Rechtsanwälte. Since 2020, she has used her organizational talent and extensive experience to ensure that the day-to-day running of the law firm runs smoothly.


T. +49 (0)89 244 133 4-60


As a highly competent assistant, Elizabet Sulter is the driving force behind the processes at SvS Rechtsanwälte. Since 2020, she has used her organizational talent and extensive experience to ensure that the day-to-day running of the law firm runs smoothly. Her excellent time management and ability to prioritize ensure that all tasks are completed on time and with the utmost precision. In addition, Elizabet Sulter is a central point of contact for our clients and ensures that their concerns are dealt with quickly and professionally.

tel:+49176 22574526

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